Many people that are suffering from diabetes have wondered if and how you can reverse diabetes. Though there is no current cure for diabetes, there is research that suggests that diabetes can be reversed.
To better understand this concept and find out how one can reverse their diabetes condition, this article will discuss steps you should take. Here’s a quick summary before getting into the details.
Can You Reverse Diabetes? Lifestyle factors most often cause type 2 diabetes. So, by changing your lifestyle for the better and maintaining a strict diet and exercising regularly, you can start the process of reversing diabetes. The quicker you can make adjustments to your lifestyle, the more likely you are to change your condition.
Before discussing if and how you can reverse diabetes, we need to have an understanding of what diabetes is.
Diabetes occurs when a person’s blood sugar or blood glucose level goes above a certain point. The human body turns carbohydrates into glucose and uses that glucose for energy. However, the body must have adequate insulin to utilize glucose for energy.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas. When the pancreas senses a rise in blood sugar, it will begin producing and releasing insulin. Insulin acts as the key that opens up the cells to take in the glucose. The cells will then have the energy to perform functions.
When a person has diabetes, their body is either not producing enough insulin or their cells are resistant to insulin. So, the body cannot utilize the glucose for energy, and the glucose remains in the blood. Thus, the result is high blood sugar (hyperglycemia).
There are a few different types of diabetes that include type 1, type 1.5, type 2, and gestational diabetes. Type 1 and 1.5 (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults) are autoimmune disorders, which means there is no prevention or cure for these. Gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy. Type 2 diabetes is the only type that is often caused by lifestyle factors.
Many individuals that have type 2 diabetes have insulin resistance. Most of the people with this condition are middle-aged to older adults. Obesity and lack of physical activity are common causes of insulin resistance.
Therefore, this article will have a focus on type 2 diabetes. The other forms of diabetes do not have cures and cannot be reversed that we know of currently.
Foods that you should eat that can help reverse diabetes consist of high fiber carbohydrates, unsaturated fats, and high-quality proteins. Specific examples of these include:
Exercises that can start the process of reversing diabetes may include:
Diabetes Overview

Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance, also called glucose intolerance, is defined as the liver, fat, and muscle cells becoming unresponsive to insulin. Your body’s pancreas may try to produce more insulin as a response, but if it cannot keep up with the present resistance, your blood glucose levels will continue to rise. Individuals that are higher at risk for insulin resistance are those that are overweight, have elevated blood pressure, and have high levels of triglyceride fats.How Diabetes Progresses
A person that is at the very beginning stages of insulin resistance will have prediabetes. It is estimated that nearly one in three Americans has prediabetes, with the majority of those people unaware that they have it. Since this is the case, it is unfortunate that just knowing is half the battle during this early stage of diabetes. The sooner you catch the uptick of your blood sugar levels, the better chance you have at reversing diabetes or prediabetes. However, since many are unaware that they have prediabetes, their condition progresses, and it eventually becomes type 2 diabetes. The condition progresses as individuals struggle to make adjustments to their lifestyle. So, for example, if someone with prediabetes is continually eating refined carbohydrates and isn’t making an effort to exercise, then their condition will progressively become worse. Blood sugar levels will continue to rise and medical intervention will be needed. This puts the individual at a risk for other health complications.Tips for How to Reverse Diabetes
Lifestyle changes must occur if an individual has any chance of reversing diabetes. Here are some tips and steps to take that can help you with your condition.Diet
A person’s diet and daily food consumption significantly impacts their health. That is why the saying, “You are what you eat,” exists. Not only can foods affect a person’s diabetes condition, but it can cause problems with your heart, cholesterol levels, and many other issues. If you want to take care of your health, you should have a diet that is as natural as possible. This means limiting your intake of any processed foods, which can be difficult in today’s day in age. Foods to eat to reverse diabetes:
- Brown rice
- Cauliflower rice
- Sweet potatoes
- Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, leafy greens, etc.)
- Avocado
- Olive Oil
- Flax Seeds
- Nuts
- Organic chicken or turkey
- Fish and shellfish
- Eggs
- Fried foods (French fries, fried chicken, etc.)
- White rice
- White bread
- Sugary cereals
- Regular pasta
- Corn
- High-fat dairy products (whole milk, butter, ice cream, etc.)
- Processed meats (fast food meals)
Exercise is a crucial lifestyle change that should be implemented if a person is to reverse diabetes. Daily physical activity can increase insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity increases the cell’s responsiveness to insulin, allowing the body to use glucose for energy. This helps lower blood sugar levels. If you are new to exercising, then simply starting with walking after meals will prove to be beneficial. This will improve postprandial blood glucose. However, higher intensity exercise will be needed to truly reverse diabetes. You may need to work up to high-intensity exercises gradually. At least 60 minutes of aerobic, anaerobic, or weight training exercises should be performed about five times a week. Not only will these workouts help you get your blood sugar levels under control, but you will increase your metabolism and start to lose weight as you burn calories.
- Running
- Cycling
- Jump rope
- Boxing
- Swimming
- Lifting weights
- Push-ups and sit-ups