Stopping Brilinta after 1 year – Brilinta Time Scales and Advice

Stopping Brilinta is something you might consider before you begin taking it, or indeed while you’re currently taking Brilinta. But how do you go about stopping Brilinta after 1 year? Or what about after 6 months or 2 years?

We provide Brilinta among over 1500 medications from over 180 manufacturers. So we are well-versed in providing information and advice on this subject.

Here’s the quick roundup for you, then we’ll go through the variety of timescales with regard to stopping Brilinta.

Brilinta is typically prescribed for 6 months. Consult your doctor before stopping Brilinta after 1 year. This also applies to 3 months, 6 months, 2 years, or beyond 2 years. In many cases, tapering off the medication or moving to alternatives is normal. Plus being mindful of potential side effects.

That’s the quick summary, but as with most medical subjects, there is more to take into account. So let’s head into more detail on the timescales and normal practices.

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As we mentioned, the normal length of time that Brilinta is typically prescribed for is 6 months. If you have been taking the drug for longer than that, it’s important to discuss with your doctor what would be the best option for you going forward.

Stopping Brilinta after 1 year

Stopping Brilinta after 1 year is not something you should do on your own without consulting a medical professional.

You could slowly wean yourself off the drug or switch to another medication that would suit your needs better. Your doctor can help recommend an alternative course of treatment if necessary.

When stopping Brilinta after 1 year, it’s crucial to remain in communication with your healthcare provider and keep them updated on any changes in your health condition. This will allow them to adjust your dosage or switch you to another medication as needed.

What about if you want to stop Brilinta before or after a year? Let’s go through other options such as 3 months, 6 months, and 2 years.

Stopping Brilinta after 3 months

If you’ve been taking Brilinta for up to 3 months, stopping the drug may be an option. Your doctor will need to evaluate your health condition and decide which course of action is best for you.

In some cases, your doctor may suggest that you take a lower dose of Brilinta or switch to a different medication instead. We’ll cover more on switching from Brilinta and the alternatives shortly.

Are 3 months long enough for Brilinta?

It’s important to note that three months may not be long enough for Brilinta to reach its full therapeutic effect. This will depend on your individual health condition, as well as the severity of symptoms.

Therefore, you should talk with your doctor about what would be best for you in terms of the time frame and course of treatment.

Brilinta is typically prescribed for a 6-month period to assess the full effects of the medication. So help your doctor understand specific reasons why you would like to stop Brilinta before this time has expired.

Stopping Brilinta after 6 months

If you are stopping Brilinta after 6 months, there is no need to take any special steps. You can simply stop taking the medication and let your body adjust naturally to not having it in your system anymore.

However, if you experience any adverse effects after discontinuing the use of Brilinta, contact your healthcare provider immediately. They may recommend alternative treatments or medications depending on your situation and medical history.

We’ll touch more on the common side effects of stopping Brilinta shortly.

Are 6 months long enough for Brilinta?

As we mentioned earlier, it is usually recommended that you take Brilinta for at least 6 months. This gives your body enough time to adjust to the medication and achieve its full effect.

Stopping Brilinta after 6 months may not be enough time for it to have a beneficial effect on your body. However, if circumstances suggest that you should stop taking the medication earlier than recommended, make sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider.

So what are the desired effects of Brilinta? Let’s recap on those next…

The intended effects of Brilinta

The desired effects are to help reduce the risk of blood clots forming in coronary arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.

Brilinta is a type of antiplatelet medication, which works by preventing platelets (the cells in your blood that help with clotting) from sticking together and forming a clot.

When used appropriately, it can help reduce the risk of potentially life-threatening cardiovascular events.

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Stopping Brilinta after 2 years

If you’re stopping Brilinta after 2 years, your doctor may recommend tapering off the drug gradually instead of ceasing its use all at once.

As you’ve been on the drug for a longer period of time (such as 2 years) then tapering off will give your body more time to adjust to the absence of Brilinta in your system. Tapering the medication will potentially help to reduce any side effects associated with discontinuing its use.

It’s important to note that even after two years on the medication, there is still a risk of developing blood clots. So it’s important to discuss alternative treatments with your healthcare provider if you decide to stop taking Brilinta.

Stopping Brilinta after more than 2 years

If you have been taking Brilinta for longer than two years and wish to discontinue the use of the drug, it’s best to consult with your healthcare provider first as the process is different than stopping Brilinta after 1 year, or other time periods.

There might be several different reasons why you’re considering stopping the medication. Be sure to highlight and discuss any reasons with your doctor.

Your doctor can assess if there are any alternative treatments or medications that would suit your needs better before stopping Brilinta altogether.

Or, if it’s recommended that you do not need the medication any longer, then they may also recommend a gradual tapering off of the medication to give your body more time to adjust.

As you’ve been on Brilinta for more than 2 years, there will be a greater need to carefully manage any changes to alternative medications or to reduce your current medication and mitigate any potential side effects.

If for any of the above time periods, your doctor discusses alternatives, then there are medications you can consider. So let’s discuss those briefly next.

Alternatives to Brilinta

If after discussing with your doctor and weighing all the options, you decide that stopping Brilinta after 1 year, 3 months, 6 months or 2 years is the best option for you; there are alternatives available.

Your healthcare provider can help you decide which medication may be right for you. Based on your medical history and individual needs.

We have an entire article you can read regarding alternatives to Brilinta, but in short, you may want to explore the following options with your doctor…

  • Prasugrel (Effient)
  • Warfarin (Coumadin)
  • Clopidogrel (Plavix)
  • Rivaroxaban (Xarelto)
  • apixaban (Eliquis)
  • Aspirin

Or other antiplatelet drugs that your doctor may want to recommend.

For all your medication prescription needs, fill out our simple enrollment form, and you could qualify for our medication access service. Then Prescription Hope can facilitate and provide your medications at just $60.00 per month per medication through Prescription Hope’s medication access service. Enroll here today to start the process.

Some of the reasons for stopping your Brilinta medication may be due to side effects. So to help further, we’ll provide some insight on the common side effects next.

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Stopping Brilinta after 1 year – Summing up and advice

Stopping Brilinta can be tricky, so it’s important to discuss all the options with your doctor and determine which course of action is best suited for you. It’s important not to just stop taking the drug without consulting a medical professional first.

The normal length of time that Brilinta is typically prescribed for is 6 months. If you have been taking the drug for longer than that, it’s important to discuss with your doctor what would be the best option for you going forward. This could involve tapering off the medication or switching to another type of medication altogether.

Be sure to be open and honest about any changes in your health condition when stopping Brilinta be it 1 year, 3 months, 6 months, or 2 years. With an honest discussion, they can adjust your dosage accordingly.

Be sure to also remain mindful of any side effects that may result from discontinuing Brilinta use. Contact your doctor immediately should any adverse changes occur.

Next steps

If you’re currently taking Brilinta, or any other medications and are struggling to afford your monthly prescription, then Prescription Hope can help.

With our medication access service, all it takes is a quick enrollment process and you could be eligible for each medication at just $60.00 per medication per month. So don’t delay, enroll now, and save money!

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