Best Time to Take Tresiba: Dosage, Timing, and Advice

When it comes to managing Tresiba or any insulin as part of your daily life, one question you might ask is, “When is the best time to take Tresiba?” In this article, we’ll provide an explanation of the best time to take Tresiba, as well as the reasons behind it, taking into account your age […]

Tresiba vs Levemir: Advice on Similarities, Advantages, and Side Effects

Tresiba vs Levemir are both brand-name medications, which are FDA-approved to help manage blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Both these drugs are long-acting insulins that treat diabetes, which is a chronic or long-lasting health condition that affects your body’s ability to use glucose for energy. This article will […]

7 Great Tips on How to Lower Your A1C

Diabetes is a serious condition, and knowing how to lower your A1C can be vital. Knowing how well you are controlling it can be measured through a hemoglobin A1c test. Typically, the lower your percentage, the better controlled your condition is. So, in this article, we will discuss what your percentage is and how to […]

Medtronic vs Dexcom: Valuable Insights on Uses, Comparison, and Advantages

When it comes to Medtronic vs Dexcom, both are devices designed to monitor blood glucose levels. To help you decide which is best, either Medtronic or Dexcom, we’ll explain some of their main differences and how they both work to see which is the best one for your needs. Here is the brief answer to […]

Can you Enjoy a Coffee Before a Glucose Test? Your Cheat Sheet to Knowing

Many factors can affect a glucose test, much of which are beyond the control of what we eat and drink. But in order to get the most accurate test, we must follow some strict guidelines. Coffee before a glucose test is something we can advise on regarding when it is and isn’t ok, and the […]

Overcome Diabetic Gastroparesis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Diet, A Guide

Are you experiencing digestive problems and wondering why? If you have diabetes, then you may be suffering from diabetic gastroparesis. In this article, we will discuss what diabetic gastroparesis is, including the symptoms, causes, and treatment options. First, let’s get started with a quick takeaway answer. Diabetic Gastroparesis: Diabetic gastroparesis refers to a particular digestive […]

3 Facts About Metformin vs Berberine: A Simple Guide to Dosage and Recommendations

If you’re wondering how metformin vs berberine measures up, then we at Prescription Hope want to help. We’ve put together a great article giving you the facts about metformin vs berberine.  Here you’ll find out how they both work, how effective each is, and more. Here is a quick summary to get us started. Metformin […]

Does Insulin Cause Weight Gain? A Detailed Guide on How, When, and What To Do!

Everyone with type 1 diabetes and some with type 2 diabetes requires insulin to stay healthy. Roughly 7.4 million Americans use insulin to treat their diabetes condition. So, does insulin cause weight gain for this portion of the population? Although insulin enables many diabetes patients to live normal lives, insulin does have some side effects.  […]

Can You Reuse Insulin Needles? Here’s the Best Advice!

Tempted to reuse insulin needles? Well, you’re not the first. Or perhaps you already do? It’s a question posed by many diabetic patients. So, here’s the guide on whether you can reuse insulin needles. Let’s start with the quick response, then we’ll go into understanding why. Can you reuse insulin needles? Insulin pen needles are […]

When To Split Levemir Dose: A Cautious but Informative Guide

Have you asked yourself when to split Levemir dose and under what circumstances it is appropriate? Here’s where we answer that question for you and offer some general guidance. Here’s the quick summary answer, then we’ll dive into some further details based on your current dose and what to do. When to split Levemir dose? […]