Many e-mail and internet companies are now using programs to block unwanted e-mail, often called spam. Sometimes, however, these programs prevent e-mail you want to receive. To Ensure You Are Receiving Your Prescription Hope E-mails Do The Following:
AOL Mail
Next Zero
Yahoo! Mail
Windows Live Hotmail
Mac Mail
Mozilla Thunderbird for PC
Outlook 2007
Outlook 2010
Android Devices – Samsung, Google Nexus, Others
iOS Devices – iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch
DISCLAIMER: Prescription Hope, Inc. (PHI) provides a conduit between customers in need of prescription medication from certain drug manufacturers. PHI is not contracted with any of the drug companies or products illustrated on this page, nor is PHI compensated in any way by any of the product manufacturers. Any information about prescription medication contained on this page has not been provided to PHI by the manufacturer. Prescription Hope reserves the right to change its price at any time, with or without notice.