Can CBD oil be beneficial for your kidneys? And are there any CBD oil side effects on kidneys that you need to be aware of?
The non-psychoactive component of cannabis, which is often prepared as an oil (CBD oil), has recently been suggested as a potential treatment for many medical issues.
So, is there a link between CBD oil use and kidney damage? Or could CBD oil actually benefit overall kidney health?
CBD Oil Side Effects on Kidneys: Current research doesn’t point to any specific side effects on kidneys. As there is no official dose of CBD oil, it can be difficult to know if you are taking too much. More recent research indicates that CBD oil may benefit kidney health. However, more studies are necessary.

Preclinical and clinical studies have indicated a potential benefit of CBD use in chronic pain associated with multiple conditions.
However, some might question if CDB oil has side effects on the kidneys or if CDB is safe to use if you have kidney problems.
With this summary in mind, let’s begin by recapping exactly what CBD oil is, so we can better understand its effects on the kidneys.

What is CBD oil?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a non-psychoactive compound found in hemp and marijuana. CBD is one of at least 85 active cannabinoids identified within the Cannabis plant.
Most CBD oil available is a mix of CBD and carrier oil.
These oils can be coconut oil or hemp seed oil. This bottled oil, sometimes referred to as a tincture, is sold in various concentrations.
CBD oil is also available as capsules, CBD gummies, and under-the-tongue CBD sprays.
The endocannabinoid system
CBD or ‘cannabidiol’ is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant. It is one of many cannabinoids present in the plant that interact with the body’s endocannabinoid system.
So we can more easily understand if there are any CBD oil side effects on kidneys, we will discover more about the endocannabinoid system and how it works.
What is the endocannabinoid system?
The endocannabinoid system or ECS is a complex cell-signaling system identified in the early 1990s by researchers exploring THC.
Although much research has been carried out on the endocannabinoid system, it is still not fully understood.
However, what we do know is that it plays a pivotal role in regulating many processes and functions within our bodies which include:
- Memory
- Sleep
- Mood
- Reproduction and fertility
- Metabolism
- Liver function
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Responses of the immune system
- Memory and learning
- Appetite
- Cardiovascular function
- Formation of bones
- Bone growth
- Stress
- Nerve and skin function
- Motor control
It’s important to understand that the endocannabinoid system exists and is also active in your body even if you don’t use cannabis or cannabis products.
But how does this system relate to your kidneys? And what CBD oil side effects on kidneys could occur?
Effects of cannabinoids on the kidneys
As CBD oil connects with the endocannabinoid system in the body, it’s worth investigating how that might affect the kidneys.
According to research, while both CB1 and CB2 receptors are present in the kidneys, the endocannabinoid system’s (ECS) effects on the kidneys are not well understood.
Let’s explain if CBD oil has any general side effects so we can understand more about if it might affect the kidneys.

Does CBD oil have side effects?
Though CBD is generally well tolerated and considered safe, it may cause adverse reactions in some people.
Some side effects noted in some studies include
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue
- Changes in appetite
- Headache
- Changes in weight
CBD interacts with certain medications also. For example, it can increase the level of Coumadin (a blood thinner medication) in your blood.
Grapefruit has a similar effect, which explains why many medication guides direct patients to avoid consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
The reason for this is because both grapefruit and CBD contain enzymes that are important for how successfully drugs metabolize in your body.
So the crucial point to remember is that before you start to use CBD oil, make sure you discuss it with your doctor to ensure it’s safe to mix with your existing prescriptions.
Although there appears to be no significant research that has been undertaken on how CBD oil affects the kidneys, there has been a study performed on the liver.
The results of this study did show that CBD oil had the potential to cause toxicity of the liver.
However, it’s important to note that the mice in the study had been force-fed considerably large doses of oil.
Can CBD oil actively assist in kidney diseases?
Cannabis and its derivatives, such as CBD, do not seem to affect kidney function in healthy people.
New research appears to have promising potential when used topically for the treatment of uremic pruritus (chronic kidney disease).
Cannabis may have medicinal benefits for treating symptoms of advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD) and end-stage renal disease. It may also be used to help relieve pain, reducing the need for addictive medications, such as opioids.
CBD oil has not been shown to cure or prevent chronic kidney disease, but it may relieve some of the symptoms of CKD.

According to the above research, renal function should be closely monitored in those with CKD, and the lowest effective doses of CBD oil should be used.
According to nurse Lisa Miller Hedin BSN, RN, the potential for cannabis-related products such as CBD oil has been misunderstood by medics and others.
Speaking at The American Nephrology Nurses Association’s National Symposium recently, she told attendees that it has great potential for treating patients with chronic kidney disease.
“…As nurses, we need to be responsible and find out if our patients are taking it and how we can treat them safely.”
– Nurse Lisa Miller Hedin BSN, RN
Dosage and preparation – CBD oil side effects on kidneys
The above information does seem to lead to the fact that CBD may help treat those with kidney disease. However, one of the main issues with taking CBD oil is that there are currently no official guidelines for the appropriate use of CBD oil.
CBD oil is usually delivered sublingually, which is more easily understood as under the tongue.
Most oils are sold in 30-milliliter (mL) bottles with a dropper cap. There is currently no known ‘correct’ dose of CBD oil.
The general rule of thumb is to start with a dose of 10-20 mg a day for a week to see how well it is tolerated. Gradually increase your dose each week until you it begins to have the desired effect.
The World Health Organization reported that clinical research studies on CBD typically used dosages between 100 and 800 milligrams per day.
The difficult part for those looking to use CBD oil for kidney problems is calculating the exact amount of CBD per milliliter of oil. This makes any CBD oil side effects on kidneys harder to ascertain.
It is important to note here that some tinctures will have different concentrations. For example, one tincture may have 1,500 mg per 30 mL, while others have 3,000 mg per mL or more.
Due to the uncertainty of doses, patients are strongly recommended to talk to their doctor and follow their instructions for how much CBD oil they should be taking.

Further CBD help
We hope this has given you some more insight into CBD oil side effects on kidneys. For questions about your specific conditions and treatment options, always consult your doctor.
Here are more articles to help you understand more about CBD and the specifics surrounding it:
Most common methods of taking CBD oil
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